Friday, October 12, 2012

Testimonials On How To Free Yourself From Depression, Addictions ...

The video below was taken many years ago, but it was just uploaded to YouTube, and thankfully so.? The testimonials in the video offer proof that my therapist has helped many more people than just myself to heal from serious issues. These are only a few of the individuals who have had their lives transformed, and medical conditions healed, by Ysatis De Saint-Simone, my therapist.

Most of the people in the video began the therapy because they were afraid all the time, were ?traumatized? people, had no self-worth or goals, or they were ?sick and didn?t care if they died.? Several of them speak of how they stopped smoking and lost weight through the therapy.

As one client put it, he knew something was wrong with him inside, but did not know what it was until he began the therapy and realized that he had blocked out significant parts of his childhood, due to an alcoholic mother.

Another young male describes how he was sexually impotent when he began the therapy, and had no desire for sex at all. He talks about how he overcame this problem within one month of the therapy.? Meanwhile, many men are having surgery or taking dangerous prescription drugs for impotency.

A female client describes how she began the therapy because she was looking for peace of mind. She was ?drained by life,? and had no goals except to make money and she didn?t care if she died.

As one man puts it in the video, he was ?afraid to experience life and to be free.? He talks about how the therapy liberates people from neurosis and fear.

Another man talks about how he used to sleep all the time in order to ?check out? from life. Now he is full of energy and doesn?t need much sleep.

Each client talks about how they didn?t want to face life and were full of fear and low self-worth when they began the therapy. They talk of pretending to be fine to the outside world, while suffering inside and not wanting to go on. Each of them speaks of the tremendous changes in their life from the benefits of the therapy, and how their co-workers noticed their changes and how those changes made them better at their career.

Each of the people discuss how safe, gentle, and natural the therapy is, without the use of drugs, and that the therapy caused dramatic improvement within the first few sessions. One woman even mentioned how clear her skin became with having the therapy.

As one of the male clients explains about drug addiction, ?no one ever deals with what is being escaped from?they just say ?drugs are bad,? or ?don?t use drugs,? but this therapy gets to the root of drug addiction.?

The testimonials in the video show that this therapy is a self-liberating process that is nothing like mainstream psychiatric practices.

As one man put it, he was afraid to look into his past, but he knew something was wrong with him. Most people do not want to look into their past, if it means facing hidden pain, but doing so can liberate a person.

See for yourself:

In the future, I am going to make a video testimonial about my own experience with this therapy. I need to find someone with a video camera and some time on their hands who doesn?t mind helping me.

I do not post this information for self-gain. My therapist does not even ask me to do this. I do it because I suffered so much and want to help other people to stop suffering and to experience life. I use my Blog to give out her information because there is so much suffering and addiction out there, but no real help. Drugs, surgery, ?move on with your life,? ?let it go,? and mainstream psychologists do not help anyone to truly liberate themselves, or to heal illness and disease.

More information about Ysatis and the therapy process can be found at these links:

Please contact me for her telephone number:?

Remember that the therapy can be done over the telephone, and most clients prefer it that way.


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