Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sunset Oregon

Sunset Oregon

Welcome to Sunset Oregon, where your local vampires and werewolves are trying to...get along.


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Sunset Oregon?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Sunset Oregon"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.

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Simple Light
Member for 0 years

Well so long as there are no sparkle I guess I can accept a twilight roleplay... You aren't going to demand photographs as our character pics are you? and thank you for not forcing us into a certain character... So many GMs create their RP with a set of characters, and it pisses me off.... So I applaud you

"Serve the Emperor today. Tomorrow you may be dead." - Thought for the day

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