Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The 20 Healthiest Halloween Costumes | Greatist

The 20 Healthiest Halloween Costume Ideas

It?s the biggest decision of the month: selecting the perfect Halloween costume. The pressure?s intense: We?ve got to out-do last year, show a little leg, prove how hip we truly are ? and, of course, we simply must wear a healthy costume.

Okay, so perhaps the latter is not actually part of your costume-choosing criteria. But regardless of whether you?re going as those kids from Moonrise Kingdom or a ghost for the twelfth year in a row, we?ve rounded up the healthiest looking get-ups people have ever worn while bobbing for apples. We?ll be the first to admit it: Most of these costumes are incredibly creepy. But anyone dressing their dog, small child, or self as a superfood is a total health inspiration to all the princesses and monsters out there. (Disclaimer: Dressing up as a banana for a night will not in fact make you any healthier).

Halloween Costume Trio 1

This budget-friendly costume is totally customizable. Like green grapes better? No worries. Grab green balloons instead. You?ll be snazzing up for a good cause: Real grapes, which are actually a type of berry, help maintain a healthy heart[].?(Photo:

Red, red wine, you make us feel so fine. Props to this dude for some costume commitment. Red wine in moderation can increase life span (when consumed, not worn) and protect the body?s cells from oxidative stress[].?(Photo:

This costume is simply genius. Plus, this woman killed two birds with one stone by raking her leaves the very same day. And while it?s clear that tea is awesome, here?s something you might not have known: To get the most out of tea, add a squeeze of lemon to up the antioxidant ante.?(Photo: flickr user?sabine01)

Halloween Costume Trio 2

We?ve all seen the sexy nurse and the scantily clad schoolgirl, but our new favorite is the studly strawberry. Strawberries have a whole lot of vitamin C, which may inhibit wrinkle formation ? keeping us extra studly all year round[].?(Photo:

If you?re no longer teething or in diapers, it?s likely you?ll pass on this iconic Halloween costume. But that doesn?t mean adults can?t get in on the pumpkin fervor (just ask anybody with a Pumpkin Spice Latte in their hands). The fibrous superfood has loads of vitamin K, and the seeds make for a nutritious zinc-filled snack[].?(Photo: Ebay user costumealibi)

This little number tops the genius costume scale. Pistachios are high in fiber and protein, plus they?re totally cool now that Khloe and Lamar eat them. They?re also a healthier choice when picking from a bowl of mixed nuts.?(Photo:

Halloween Costume Trio 3

It?s like three peas and a floating head in a pod! Peas aren?t just healthy for us, they?re also pretty great for Mother Earth ? the magical little guys produce their own fertilizer. Want to get in on the benefits? Feed your belly with our wasabi pea soup or try our fresh pea and radish salad. (Photo:

Baby Carrot
Since orange is the go-to Halloween color, you?ll be all the rage this year dressed as a carotenoid-packed veggie. That?s the stuff that?s converted to vitamin A and helps maintain skin, teeth, and immune system health[]. For a recipe that enhances carrots? natural sweetness, try our honey orange carrots.?(Photo: Etsy TheCostumeCafe)

Look how happy this young lady is to trick-or-treat! (And it could be you, for just $99.99!)?Rather pass on dressing as the aromatic veggie? Then try our fig and onion pizza to load up on flavenoids, the antioxidants that scientists say have memory- and mood-enhancing properties.?(Photo:

Halloween Costume Trio 4Chili Pepper
Heat things up in this hot get-up! (On the reals: That baby must have some serious perspiration going on). Studies show capsaicin, found in peppers like the Chili, can raise metabolism and lower blood pressure[].?(Photo:

Veggie Man
Struggling to decide on the very best veggie to dress as? Duh, just hit up the Halloween party as a walking garden. To the question ?Did you eat your vegetables?? we respond, ?Dammit, we don?t care? because we?re wearing them.??(Photo:

Ahhh, the incredible, edible, (and wearable) egg. Throw on some devil horns and doggonit, you?ve got yourself a deviled egg. Eggs have gotten a bad rap of late, but most recent reports support the angelic nature of eggs[]. Just one of ?em has only 70 calories and 6 grams of protein. And they?re a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for overall health[].?(Photo:

Halloween Costume Trio 5

Veggie Fam
Don?t want to wear all the veggies yourself? Assign roles to the entire family! This trio of broccoli, tomato, and carrot are setting a healthy Halloween example.?(Photo:

Green Giant Man
So it?s unclear if the Green Giant man is in fact asparagus, but for all intents and purposes we?ll say the verdant lad is in fact the detoxifying vegetable. The stalks help the brain fight cognitive decline thanks to their high levels of folate, a B vitamin that helps produce and maintain new cells[].?(Photo:

Popcorn (& Popcorn Vender)
Never has popcorn looked so snuggly. The popped stuff is one of our favorite high fiber snacks.?(Photo:

Halloween Costume Trio 6

One of the Greatist Team?s very favorite superfoods, the banana, can go bare this October 31st. But if it?s chilly, we recommend dressing as a banana in pajamas (find a friend to do the same). Bonus: After all that exercise from walking down driveways and ringing doorbells (and, for the non-infant bananas among us, maybe downing some booze?), bananas can help replace electrolytes[].?(Photo:

Chiquita Banana Lady
Just like Mr. Veggie Dude, the Chiquita Banana Lady doesn?t discriminate against fruits. For a versatile any-kinda-fruit recipe, check out our harvest fruit compote.?(Photo: Etsy DIPdesigns)

We?re not sure about the hat on this ensemble (not to mention the giant hands), but the Fruit of the Loom look-a-like is one of our go-to midday snacks. Apples are great for dipping into yogurt or topping oatmeal. Check out some of our favorite apple recipes!?(Photo:

Halloween Costume Trio 7Taco
We?re not sure what this costume will look like on a human, but it?s totally genius. For a fishy version of the tasty favorite, try our healthy fish tacos for a light dinner or appetizer.?(Photo:

Chia Pet
We like to toss chia seeds in our oatmeal, or whip up some pumpkin chia seed pudding, because chias boost energy and help keep the body hydrated[]. But we?re not so committed to the little seeds that we?ll leave the house looking like them ? mad props if your dog will.?(Photo:

What?s your favorite healthy costume on our list? Which ones did we miss? Let us know in the comment section below or tweet the author @nicmcdermott.



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Debbie Wilson's Family Brain Injury Blog: Domestic Violence and ...

Understanding domestic violence and abuse

Women don?t have to live in fear:

Male victims of abuse can call:

Domestic abuse, also known as?spousal abuse,occurs when one person in an intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and control the other person. Domestic abuse that includes physical violence is called?domestic violence.

Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to gain and maintain total control over you. An abuser doesn?t ?play fair.? Abusers use fear, guilt, shame, and intimidation to wear you down and keep you under his or her thumb. Your abuser may also threaten you, hurt you, or hurt those around you.

Domestic violence and abuse does not discriminate. It happens among heterosexual couples and in same-sex partnerships. It occurs within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels. And while women are more commonly victimized, men are also abused?especially verbally and emotionally, although sometimes even physically as well. The bottom line is that abusive behavior is never acceptable, whether it?s coming from a man, a woman, a teenager, or an older adult. You deserve to feel valued, respected, and safe.

Recognizing abuse is the first step to getting help

Domestic abuse often escalates from threats and verbal abuse to violence. And while physical injury may be the most obvious danger, the emotional and psychological consequences of domestic abuse are also severe. Emotionally abusive relationships can destroy your self-worth, lead to anxiety and?depression, and make you feel helpless and alone. No one should have to endure this kind of pain?and your first step to breaking free is recognizing that your situation is abusive. Once you acknowledge the reality of the abusive situation, then you can get the help you need.

Signs of an abusive relationship

There are many signs of an abusive relationship. The most telling sign is fear of your partner. If you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around your partner?constantly watching what you say and do in order to avoid a blow-up?chances are your relationship is unhealthy and abusive. Other signs that you may be in an abusive relationship include a partner who belittles you or tries to control you, and feelings of self-loathing, helplessness, and desperation.

To determine whether your relationship is abusive, answer the questions below. The more ?yes? answers, the more likely it is that you?re in an abusive relationship.

Your Inner Thoughts and FeelingsYour Partner?s Belittling Behavior

Do you:

feel afraid of your partner much of the time?

Does your partner:

humiliate or yell at you?

avoid certain topics out of fear of angering your partner?

criticize you and put you down?

feel that you can?t do anything right for your partner?

treat you so badly that you?re embarrassed for your friends or family to see?

believe that you deserve to be hurt or mistreated?

ignore or put down your opinions or accomplishments?

wonder if you?re the one who is crazy?

blame you for their own abusive behavior?

feel emotionally numb or helpless??

see you as property or a sex object, rather than as a person?

Your Partner?s Violent Behavior or ThreatsYour Partner?s Controlling Behavior

Does your partner:

have a bad and unpredictable temper?

Does your partner:

act excessively jealous and possessive?

hurt you, or threaten to hurt or kill you?

control where you go or what you do?

threaten to take your children away or harm them?

keep you from seeing your friends or family?

threaten to commit suicide if you leave?

limit your access to money, the phone, or the car?

force you to have sex?

limit your access to money, the phone, or the car?

destroy your belongings?

constantly check up on you?

Physical abuse and domestic violence

When people talk about domestic violence, they are often referring to the physical abuse of a spouse or intimate partner. Physical abuse is the use of physical force against someone in a way that injures or endangers that person. Physical assault or battering is a crime, whether it occurs inside or outside of the family. The police have the power and authority to protect you from physical attack. Read More:


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Omega-3 intake heightens working memory in healthy young adults

ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2012) ? While Omega-3 essential fatty acids -- found in foods like wild fish and grass-fed livestock -- are necessary for human body functioning, their effects on the working memory of healthy young adults have not been studied until now.

In the first study of its kind, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have determined that healthy young adults ages 18-25 can improve their working memory even further by increasing their Omega-3 fatty acid intake. Their findings have been published online in PLOS One.

"Before seeing this data, I would have said it was impossible to move young healthy individuals above their cognitive best," said Bita Moghaddam, project investigator and professor of neuroscience. "We found that members of this population can enhance their working memory performance even further, despite their already being at the top of their cognitive game."

Led by Rajesh Narendarn, project principal investigator and associate professor of radiology, the Pitt research team sought healthy young men and women from all ethnicities to boost their Omega-3 intake with supplements for six months. They were monitored monthly through phone calls and outpatient procedures.

Before they began taking the supplements, all participants underwent positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, and their blood samples were analyzed. They were then asked to perform a working memory test in which they were shown a series of letters and numbers. The young adults had to keep track of what appeared one, two, and three times prior, known as a simple "n-back test."

"What was particularly interesting about the presupplementation n-back test was that it correlated positively with plasma Omega-3," said Moghaddam. "This means that the Omega-3s they were getting from their diet already positively correlated with their working memory."

After six months of taking Lovaza -- an Omega-3 supplement approved by the Federal Drug Administration -- the participants were asked to complete this series of outpatient procedures again. It was during this last stage, during the working memory test and blood sampling, that the improved working memory of this population was revealed.

"So many of the previous studies have been done with the elderly or people with medical conditions, leaving this unique population of young adults unaddressed," said Matthew Muldoon, project coinvestigator and associate professor of medicine at Pitt. "But what about our highest-functioning periods? Can we help the brain achieve its full potential by adapting our healthy behaviors in our young adult life? We found that we absolutely can."

Although the effects of Omega-3s on young people were a focus, the Pitt team was also hoping to determine the brain mechanism associated with Omega-3 regulation. Previous rodent studies suggested that removing Omega-3 from the diet might reduce dopamine storage (the neurotransmitter associated with mood as well as working memory) and decrease density in the striatal vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 (commonly referred to as VMAT2, a protein associated with decision making). Therefore, the Pitt researchers posited that increasing VMAT2 protein was the mechanism of action that boosted cognitive performance. Unfortunately, PET imaging revealed this was not the case.

"It is really interesting that diets enriched with Omega-3 fatty acid can enhance cognition in highly functional young individuals," said Narendarn. "Nevertheless, it was a bit disappointing that our imaging studies were unable to clarify the mechanisms by which it enhances working memory."

Ongoing animal modeling studies in the Moghaddam lab indicate that brain mechanisms that are affected by Omega-3s may be differently influenced in adolescents and young adults than they are in older adults. With this in mind, the Pitt team will continue to evaluate the effect of Omega-3 fatty acids in this younger population to find the mechanism that improves cognition.

Other Pitt researchers involved in the project include William G. Frankle, professor of psychiatry, and Neal S. Mason, research assistant professor of radiology.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Pittsburgh.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Rajesh Narendran, William G. Frankle, Neale S. Mason, Matthew F. Muldoon, Bita Moghaddam. Improved Working Memory but No Effect on Striatal Vesicular Monoamine Transporter Type 2 after Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplementation. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (10): e46832 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0046832

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Boo! Ghost Exchange?

October, 2012

(Insert Deep Voice) In a world?.

Ghost Exchange, a documentary by Camilla Sullivan and Rob Lyall, is about to bring stock market structural issues front and center to Main Street. You can watch the trailer to the movie here.

Reuters? Emily Flitter caught up with Camilla yesterday, who told her that the Flash Crash caught her attention in 2010, prompting her to commence this project, in which she asks, ??Are we taking care of and nurturing our capital markets or do we have the potential to lose something very important?? You can read the Reuters article here.

Ghost Exchange is a series of interviews with varied market participants ? from Direct Edge?s William O?Brien to the Themis boys. Their views of the quality of our current market structure varies, and we do believe you understand all the issues portrayed ? being our clients and friends. However what the film does, and will do, is further bring sunlight to a complex and murky debate.

We all sometimes feel that bringing our issues to the for-profit stock exchanges has not resulted in material change and reform. The same can be said for bringing these issues to the attention of industry groups. We also all sometimes feel that the regulators know of these issues, and yet continue to place their rubber stamp of approval on Frankenstein. It has become clear to many of us that meaningful reform, will best be born from widespread public education, debate, media exposure, as well as pressure on Congress. And Congress will only act if the benefit to them of listening to concerned constituents outweighs the benefits to them from corporate and industry-group lobbying. We have no doubt that eventually this will take place; the winds of change are in motion. The only question is will it happen before a financial disaster strikes again.

On a related note, gander at the largest contributors to key players on the House Financial Committee, such as Jeb Hensarling:

Top 5 Industries, 2011-2012, Campaign Cmte and Leadership PAC

Industry Total Indivs PACs
Insurance $340,397 $64,897 $275,500
Securities & Investment $316,050 $109,550 $206,500
Commercial Banks $272,000 $67,000 $205,000
Finance/Credit Companies $179,500 $34,500 $145,000
Real Estate $154,100 $55,600 $98,500

And Spencer Bachus:

Top 5 Industries, 2011-2012, Campaign Cmte and Leadership PAC

Industry Total Indivs PACs
Insurance $376,460 $33,960 $342,500
Securities ? & Investment $375,177 $83,677 $291,500
Commercial ? Banks $341,900 $91,400 $250,500
Real ? Estate $205,940 $104,450 $101,490
Finance/Credit ? Companies $144,938 $39,938 $105,000


We look forward to the official release! And yes ? we have upgraded our phone system from dials to push buttons.


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Hormone therapy may cut Alzheimer's risk in menopausal women

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

'Iron Man 3' Trailer: Watch Now!

Tony Stark returns in his first post-'Avengers' appearance in Marvel's new 'Iron Man 3' trailer.
By Josh Wigler

Robert Downey Jr. in "Iron Man 3"
Photo: Marvel


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Building of the Day: 121 Eighth Avenue

Brooklyn, one building at a time.

Name: Originally Maillard Canda home, now an eight unit co-op
Address: 121 Eighth Avenue
Cross Streets: Corner Carroll Street
Neighborhood: Park Slope
Year Built: 1894
Architectural Style: Renaissance Revival
Architect: Montrose W. Morris
Other buildings by architect: Hulbert Mansion (Poly Prep School) on Prospect Park West, 143-153 8th Ave, 16-19 and 22 Prospect Park West, and buildings in Bed Stuy, Crown Heights North, Clinton Hill and elsewhere.
Landmarked: Yes, part of Park Slope HD (1973)

The story:?Maillard Canda was a building materials manufacturer who incorporated his business, the Canda and Mathews Manufacturing Company, in 1890. He and his partners, Robert H. Mathews and W.B. Greenman, made and sold construction materials and invested in real estate. The Canda family also wanted to settle into Brooklyn society, and in 1894 commissioned Montrose Morris, one of the foremost architects to Brooklyn?s well-to-do, to design a fine new home on the corner of Carroll Street and Eighth Avenue. The house would be right across the street from the Adams mansion, and near the homes of other prominent residents of Park Slope. The city records show that the house was placed in the name of Mrs. L.C. Greenman, who was probably Mrs. Maillard Canda. She was born Lillian Greenman, and her brother was one of her husband?s partners. It was, and still is, a common practice for husbands to put property in their wives? names, for liability and tax purposes.

At any rate, hiring Montrose Morris did not come cheap. The New York Times real estate section on Nov. 9, 1894, listed filings for new building permits, and happened to list this building just ahead of a listing for a 16-family, five-story apartment building with stores on the ground floor. The upscale apartment building, called the ?Macon,? was designed by George P. Chappell, and sits on a nice block in Bedford. The Morris/Canda single-family house cost $28,000 to build, and the much larger apartment building cost only a few thousand dollars more, at $35,000. The average upper-middle-class row house at the time cost around $12,000 to build.

Morris designed a neo-Renaissance palazzo for the Candas. A departure from many of Morris? previous buildings, which were in the Romanesque Revival style, such as the Adams house across the street, this house embraced the classicism of the Beaux-Arts, coming out of the City Beautiful/White Cities buildings of the 1893 Chicago World?s Exhibition. All of the rest of his houses in Park Slope after that date would be in the same style, and he did them quite well, especially the group of houses a block away on Prospect Park West. For the Candas, he used white brick, limestone and his signature terra-cotta trim, creating a handsome house that would be the model for the houses next door, which wouldn?t be built until eight years later.

The Canda family was active in Brooklyn?s society world; Mrs. Canda was mentioned often for her soir?es and card parties. She and members of the Greenman family also hosted fine dinner parties and private dance events. They lived in the house through at least 1919, the last reference I found for them at this address. But, like many of Brooklyn?s elite, the Candas decamped to Manhattan. When Lillian Canda died in 1938, she was living at the Plaza Hotel. Her husband had died much earlier. Today, the elegant Canda house is an eight unit co-op. GMAP


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Salon shooter bought gun despite court order

A man who burst into a Wisconsin nail salon and opened fire was found dead on the premises. Three other people were confirmed dead and four more injured. NBC's Kevin Tibbles reports.

By NBC News staff

In this version: Shooter bought gun two days after court issued restraining order that demanded he turn in firearms.


Updated at 5:36 p.m. ET: Zina Haughton, the estranged wife of the man who fatally shot her and two other women at a Wisconsin salon, told a court that her husband had terrified her for years, The Associated Press reported.

Zina Haughton, of Brown Deer, Wis., filed a restraining order against her husband, Radcliffe Haughton, on Oct. 8. She wrote that her husband believed she was cheating on him, and that he had vowed to burn her and her two daughters with gas.

NBC's M. Alex Johnson, Bill Dedman, Isolde Raftery, Tricia Culligan and Andrew Mach contributed to this report, along with Charles Benson, Todd Hicks, Susan Kim and Jermont Terry of WTMJ-TV in Milwaukee. Follow M. Alex Johnson on Twitter and Facebook.

In early October, Radcliffe Haughton, 45, was arrested for slashing his wife's tires. On Thursday, a court approved a restraining order she had sought and ordered him to turn in any firearms he owned. Two days later, he purchased a .40-caliber semiautomatic weapon used in the shootings, Brown Deer police said in a statement.

People who buy handguns from gun dealers must wait 48 hours after they have cleared a background check from the Department of Justice to pick up their firearm. There is no such waiting period or background check required in Wisconsin for people who purchase handguns from private individuals, which police say Radcliffe Haughton did.

The other victims killed in the shooting at the Azana Salon & Spa were Cary L. Robuck, 35 of Racine, Wis., and Maelyn M. Lind, 38, of Oconomowoc, Wis. Radcliffe Haughton was found dead in a locked part of the salon. Four more women who were hurt in the shooting were recovering from gunshot wounds to their arms and legs.?

Suspect's wife a 'hero'

A woman who said she was inside the salon said Zina Haughton acted like a hero when her estranged husband entered.

Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office

Alleged gunman Radcliffe Haughton is seen in this undated booking photo. Haughton is accused of killing three people and injuring four others at a Wisconsin salon on Sunday.

?Zina immediately jumped in, got in front of the reception desk, tried diffusing the situation, talked to him, said this was a place of peace,? Betty Brunner told NBC affiliate Today?s TMJ4 in Milwaukee. ?I know more people would have been killed if it wasn?t for her.? She did her best to save lives, Brunner said. ?She was amazing.???

Suspect's father aghast
Radcliffe Haughton's father, also named Radcliffe, was shocked and dismayed upon learning that his son was the suspect.

"Oh, my God," the elder Haughton told WTMJ in a telephone interview from his home in Florida.

"The Haughton family apologizes, and we are sorry."

A witness who was inside a Wisconsin salon during a deadly shooting calls the actions of the gunman's estranged wife 'heroic.' NBC's Chris Clackum reports.

"This is not a reflection of the Haughton family," he said, adding: "One member of the Haughton family has done something terrible. This is not the Haughtons' way. This is not the way we live. This is not how I raised my son up."

Haughton told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that he spoke to his son just last week, telling him he could stay with him in Florida if he needed to. "I told him, 'Whatever you do, don't do anything stupid'," he said. It was the second mass shooting in the Milwaukee area in 2 1/2 months. A gunman opened fire at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee on Aug. 5, killing six people and wounding at least three others, before being shot to death. Three people were killed and a fourth was injured last week when a gunman stormed a hair salon in Casselberry, Fla. The gunman then killed himself.??

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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Government suffers defeat in Lords over 'new poll tax' changes to ...

The Government has suffered a defeat today on changes to the system of paying council tax benefit. As part of the Coalition?s existing welfare cuts, council tax relief is being reduced and local authorities are being given the power to set their own eligibility criteria from April 2013. As the Financial Times reported last week:

The coalition has earmarked ?100m for councils that promise to limit the sums poorer people must pay to around 8.5 per cent of the full council tax rate ? less than half what some local authorities are considering. ? Lord Best, president of the Local Government Association, will on Tuesday propose an amendment suggesting that, rather than looking to poorer people to find the savings it seeks, councils should have discretion to reduce the discount for single people from 25 per cent to 20 per cent. He said: ?People who are not currently paying council tax are, by definition, people on the lowest incomes?.?.?.?It is a pretty nasty business to go out there and try to extract taxes from people who just do not have the money to pay them.?

The government?s ?100m fund, covering 2013-14, would cut by a quarter the sums the government had hoped to save in the first year of the scheme?s operation. ? Half of councils are proposing to set the minimum payment at 20 per cent of the full council tax or more, while about another quarter plan to set it at between 10 and 20 per cent. More than half the councils examined are planning other changes to tighten the regime.

The measure?s been dubbed a ?new poll tax? by Lib Dem peer, Lord (Tony) Greaves. The Lords voted today ? by a majority of 38 ? for an independent review of the changes to be carried out within three years of them being introduced, as the Shropshire Star reports:

Labour, with support from the Liberal Democrat and independent benches, demanded an independent review of the changes to be carried out within three years of them being introduced. The amendment to the Local Government Finance Bill was carried by 203 votes to 165, majority 38, during third reading debate. ? In a bid to appease critics of the new system, the Government last week announced an additional ?100 million to support councils moving to it. But Liberal Democrat Lord Shipley said this transitional relief would not solve the problem for all and was only available for one year. Backing Lady Hollis?s amendment, he said politicians needed to better understand the impact of a number of changes being implemented in the coming months. Independent crossbencher Lord Best also backed the demand, warning about the possible impact on those ?living on the breadline? at a time when the gap between rich and poor was widening.

I have no problems with the localisation of Council Tax benefit to councils: many more such tax-and-spend powers should be devolved to town halls to decide policies which suit their areas, and to be voted out by the electorate if they get it wrong. But to couple this with cuts to the overall budget, leaving councils with little option but to impose new charges on the poorest, is the wrong way of going about restoring local freedoms. It hits the vulnerable hardest and gives devolution a bad name.

* Stephen Tall is Co-Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice, a Research Associate for the liberal think-tank CentreForum, and also writes at his own site, The Collected Stephen Tall.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

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Leeza Gibbons ? Caregiver's Advocate, Talks about Alzheimer's and ...

November is National Family Caregivers month and in the U.S., there are over 65 million family caregivers currently taking care of a loved one going through a crisis. In honor of caregivers around the world, LA?s the Place interviewed?talk show host Leeza Gibbons, who has created the non-profit organization Leeza?s Place. Leeza?s Place is a place for family caregivers to get educated, empowered and energized.

YouTube Preview Image

Gibbons knows how hopeless, exhausted and overwhelmed a caregiver can feel. She has been there personally and walked the talk. Nearly a decade ago, she stepped out of the spotlight to take care of her mother afflicted with Alzheimer?s. Her mother, Gloria Jean Gibbons, died in May 2008, at the age of 72, nine years after her diagnosis.? As a promise to her mother to ?tell her story and make it count? after her diagnosis of Alzheimer?s disease and her family?s subsequent caregiving challenges, Gibbons created The Leeza Gibbons Memory Foundation in 2002.

But she?s not just about raising awareness. Leeza is a woman of action. In a few short years, her group has opened numerous Leeza?s Places across the country ? in California, Texas, Illinois, New York, and Florida.

Leeza?s Place, the signature program of the Foundation, opened its first doors in 2003 as the manifestation of what Leeza ?wished we had when we were going through this journey.? Leeza?s Place is home to all types of family caregivers.

Leeza?s Place offers these resources:

Education ? Caregiving doesn?t come with an instruction manual. That?s why they offer extensive Alzheimer?s information and free e-learning workshops. They also have a Virtual Library with more than 5,000 books, journals, cassettes, videos and CD-ROMs to borrow.

Support - They help connect caregivers with professionals and one another. Their 24/7 Helpline (800.272.3900) is staffed around the clock to offer information and assistance, and ALZConnected?, their online caregiver community, is a great place to find and share support on a national and local level.

Tools - From a Care Team Calendar that helps organize family and friends to Alzheimer?s Navigator?, an online assessment tool that creates customized Alzheimer?s action plans, the organization has a variety of tools to help caregivers cope.

In addition to offering tools and education, Leeza?s Care Connection at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center has launched. Leeza?s Care Connection, located in Burbank, CA, is a place where caregivers can come together to become stronger, more resilient and grounded, developing a set of skills that help them handle their new life of change. Leeza?s Care Connection has been a natural extension of the overall vision of the foundation.

Being a celebrity herself, she also brings awareness to other celebrities working to cure and aid those with Alzheimer?s disease. On her My Generation show, she recently interviewed Maria Shriver. Both women have more in common than working in television: They have parents who had?Alzheimer?s disease. Alzheimer?s has no cure. It devastates families and has the potential to bankrupt the nation?s health care system. But Shriver, Gibbons and celebrities like legendary University of Tennessee women?s basketball coach Pat Summitt, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer?s, are shining new light on this dark disease ? and the future is hopeful.

People with Alzheimer?s Disease or who know someone with the disease can also go to for support, information and answers.

If you or a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer?s disease, visit for help and support.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Not-so-special treatment in Seattle of special education | Local ...

Five years ago, a high-profile report found that Seattle's public-school district was decades behind the rest of the country in serving students with disabilities.

In response, then-Superintendent Maria Goodloe-Johnson declared special education a major priority and announced sweeping changes.

Today, the problems are even worse.

Six special-education directors ? and three superintendents ? have served since that 2007 report, discombobulating a growing department that now serves more than 7,000 students, one-seventh of the district's overall enrollment.

The upheaval has spawned a culture of low expectations in which district officials seem to put avoiding lawsuits above engaging families, training staffers or educating children, according to dozens of parents, teachers, principals, advocates and experts.

And they're failing even at that.

The annual amount Seattle Public Schools spends on special-ed-related suits has quadrupled since the report. Parents, employees and state agencies increasingly accuse the district of breaking federal laws governing how to serve students with disabilities ranging from autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to deafness and learning struggles in specific subjects.

The critics disagree about the root of the problems but believe almost universally that officials are not taking them seriously.

"Of course leadership continuity would help. Of course training would help," said Rick Minutoli, who left during the summer after six years leading the superintendent's Special Education Advisory & Advocacy Council. "But these are just symptoms, not the disease. The disease is indifference. They're suffering from indifference to special-ed students."

Seattle is by no means the only school district struggling with special education. Most districts, especially in large cities, experience similar problems due to complex student needs, insufficient funding and a maze of strict laws. Test scores in particular are dismal everywhere, despite research suggesting that most special-ed students, if given the necessary accommodations, can do just as well as other kids.

Seattle special-ed students actually perform slightly better on state tests than disabled students in other districts, in part due to a handful of highly successful schools.

But on less explicit measures ? following the law and delivering promised services to students, controlling costs and including special-ed students with others ? advocates say Seattle lags far behind.

The problems are especially concerning because of the influence Seattle wields statewide, officials said.

"Seattle has a sort of greater responsibility to get this right. We can't really afford for them not to get it," said Stacy Gillett, the special-ed expert in the governor's Office of the Education Ombudsman, who described Seattle's system as broken.

Seattle's new superintendent, Jos? Banda, disputed that characterization but acknowledged tremendous gaps in special ed.

Banda pointed to a lack of leadership and said he hopes to pick a new director by early 2013. He has invited some parents and others to discuss the problems Wednesday in a focus group.

But even with the new administration, many critics worry the district will continue to fail the children who most need help.

"The parents are right," School Board member Betty Patu said. "We're not treating our special-ed kids the way we should. They're not getting the attention they should. These parents have been yelling and screaming since I've been on the board, and I haven't seen much change."

"Everywhere, every day"

Special education began in 1975, when Congress gave disabled students the right to an education and gave school districts extra funding to provide it.

While the severely disabled attend class only with one another, most special-ed kids spend much of the day in mainstream classrooms and get pulled aside for individual tutoring, therapy or other services.

Legally binding Individualized Education Programs, crafted by the family and a team of specialists, govern the specific services that each student receives.

Those plans, called IEPs, are at the heart of many of the complaints about Seattle Public Schools.

Several parents accused officials of ignoring the plans or writing them based not on student needs but available resources ? which is illegal.

In one case, Tim Nelson said his son Sam, who has Down syndrome, entered Green Lake Elementary with a suggested IEP from the University of Washington's Experimental Education Unit.

But instead of accepting the plan, school officials said they didn't have the resources for all of the services it described. So they cut out almost half the special instruction Sam was to receive.

Nelson now wonders how that has affected his son.

"The driving force in that decision was simply that the school didn't have the staffing," he said. "It wasn't about my kid."

Marni Campbell, the district's last permanent special-ed executive director, said that should never happen and rarely does.

But Shelly Hurley, a seven-year special-ed teacher at Graham Hill Elementary, said it happens in Seattle Public Schools "everywhere and every day." Often, she said, a school creates a good IEP but the central office won't provide the resources to fulfill it.

"As special educators, it tears us up every single day because we want to give the best that we can every single day, and we can't," she said.

IEP compliance is a major issue for the district, according to the state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. In 2011, that office ordered Seattle on 10 separate occasions to follow through on IEPs the district had failed to develop or implement.

Another issue is inappropriate spending. A state audit released in June found that Ballard High officials paid several teachers with special-ed money but asked them to teach both special and general education.

District officials called it an isolated incident.

But Kathie Newell, a special-ed teacher who has been with the district for nearly four decades, disagreed.

"Ballard got caught," Newell said.

Many of the other problems are logistical ? inadequately trained teachers, classrooms without materials, therapy services that are never delivered, phone calls that go unreturned for days, weeks or months.

District officials said lapses are inevitable but claimed things are improving with a new ombudsman.

Parents have also complained that special-ed classes have been relegated to a school play area, to a stage or, in the case of one post-school transition class, to the Northgate Mall food court. The classes are often moved around to satisfy the needs of everybody else, activists said.

Another theme is inconsistency. Many parents said special-ed programs look different at each school, in part due to the district's practice of leaving decisions up to principals.

Navigating the labyrinth of programs is especially difficult for families of color and parents who don't speak English. Many of them feel the district does not respect them, said Mia Franklin, a family support worker at The Arc of King County.

Tensions are intensified by disappointing outcomes.

Despite receiving extra time and other testing accommodations, Seattle special-ed students ? many of whom have only minor disabilities ? pass state exams about half as often as general education students.

They're suspended from school more than three times as often.

Troubled rollout

The 2007 report was supposed to revitalize Seattle's special ed, especially because it came as parents were getting more organized than ever.

The district-requested report criticized officials for putting too many disabled students in segregated classrooms. It prompted officials to announce that almost all special-ed students would go to the school they'd attend if they didn't have a disability, with services coming to them, in traditional classes.

Parents, who had just formed the state's second-ever Special Education PTSA, eagerly offered to help implement the new model, called Integrated Comprehensive Services, or ICS.

To some, that acronym has become a dirty word.

Officials squandered the opportunity on two fronts, critics say: They never genuinely engaged parents or teachers, and their model's 2009 rollout lacked planning and training.

The most glaring problem may have been that the district just didn't have the money for the changes vowed in response to the report.

The district never fully implemented the recommendations of the report, which even administration supporters like former Olympic View Elementary Principal Justin Baeder acknowledge was full of "stupid, unrealistic promises."

The moves officials did make initially relied on millions of dollars from President Obama's stimulus, which ran out two years later.

The still-rising costs ? the district spent nearly $80 million on special ed last year, up from some $60 million before ICS ? are squeezing the rest of the budget, School Board President Michael DeBell said.

Bridget Walker, a professor at Seattle University's College of Education, said district officials didn't properly plan the rollout.

"They let the water out of the dam before they built the levees downstream," said Walker, who tells aspiring special-ed teachers to avoid Seattle. "It's sad to watch."

Campbell, the executive director during the rollout, defended it, pointing to a task force that planned the new model during a year of meetings.

David Riley, an author of the 2007 report, said logistical problems were unavoidable with such a complicated set of changes.

But the biggest problem was simple: The district never really trained teachers to use the model, critics said.

Shaun Rose, a Daniel Bagley Elementary parent, said her autistic son was among the students placed in a traditional classroom with a teacher who couldn't serve him.

As a result, Rose said, Tenzin, then in kindergarten, felt ostracized and lost faith in his own ability to learn.

"It was terrible," Rose said.

Campbell said teachers received extensive training, including up to 92 hours of work sessions for those most affected by the new model.

But the UW professor contracted to coordinate the training, Ilene Schwartz, now says it was inadequate.

When informed of Schwartz's comments, Campbell blamed her.

"I guess that's on Ilene," she said.

Campbell, who did not have any direct special-ed experience before becoming executive director, took a different district position last summer, after two years on the job and in the middle of the rollout.

Since then, the job has bounced between three interim leaders: Becky Clifford, BiHoa Caldwell and, currently, John Thorp.

The turnover has deprived the department of a direction, teachers said.

Yantra Bertelli, a former Seattle special-ed aide and parent who recently moved to the Highline School District, called it a chaotic mess.

Teachers union Vice President Phyllis Campano, a former special-ed teacher at Pathfinder K-8, said staffers aren't even sure if the district is still committed to ICS.

"Supposedly we're getting rid of it," said Campano, referring to a task force considering replacing ICS with a new model.

"What does that mean? Well, what did it mean when it was here? What was it? What is it?"

Feeling left out

As for the Special Education PTSA, the district has not engaged with it nearly as much as parents had hoped.

Several of the group's board members quit in the middle of last school year. One, Julia Neander, decided to sell her house and move to Shoreline to get a better education for her 12-year-old son, who has cerebral palsy.

The president, Susan Sturms, made it through her term. But even she said it became clear the district wasn't really listening.

"One of the purposes of the special-ed PTSA was to give families a place to voice their concerns and then to deliver that to the district in a constructive way ? to be partners," said Sturms, who has since decided to enroll her autistic son in private school. "In the absence of that partnership being embraced, I think the stage was set for a more hostile and combative approach."

For many parents, that approach increasingly includes turning to state agencies or the courts.

Complaints about Seattle Public Schools to the Office of the Education Ombudsman have more than doubled over the past two years.

Last school year, that office received nearly as many special-ed complaints about Seattle ? 70 ? as it did about the next five most complained-about districts combined.

Lake Washington and Bellevue, each about half the size of Seattle, were second and third with 20 and 14 complaints, respectively. Issaquah also had 14, followed by Kent and Highline with 13 each.

Special-ed lawsuits have also become more common.

In the 2006-07 school year, just before the report came out, the district spent $57,002 in external costs on lawsuits, according to district records. In the 2010-11 school year, just after ICS was implemented, it spent $200,468.

Special ed has also taken up an increasing share of the time of the district's in-house attorneys. One of those attorneys, and her roughly $100,000 salary, is now dedicated solely to special ed.

Last school year, parents sued the district eight times and took the district to court another 16 times on formal complaints.

"To me, that shows that we can do a better job of engaging parents," Banda said.

"Not beyond repair"

Banda and other top officials agree the district has a lot of work to do.

The first step, most agree, is hiring an experienced and visionary leader.

Beyond that, many say the answers lie in the schools that are already succeeding. One that's often cited is John Rogers Elementary, where longtime Principal Marcia Boyd said the staff makes it a point to include all students in every aspect of the school, including clubs. The staff doesn't refer to special-ed students as disabled, Boyd said.

In general, advocates said, successful schools feature a principal who knows and respects the law, engages parents, holds high expectations for special-ed students and strongly believes in integrating them into the culture.

Spreading success will require a top-down directive, said Michelle Buetow, a former School Board candidate now serving as co-president of the Special Education PTSA.

"As a community, we need to commit to this," she said.

Recently, there have been indications the district plans to do that.

Among the changes made in response to parent frustration and media scrutiny this fall, Banda has accelerated the search for a director, answered questions at a Special Education PTSA meeting and planned this week's focus group.

That has many feeling optimistic.

Even Shelly Hurley, the teacher who accused her bosses of violating the law "every day and everywhere," sees reason for hope.

"It's broken, but not beyond repair," she said of Seattle special education. "It's like this old, decrepit building. I keep waiting for someone to realize that if we just put some work into it, if we just all work together, if we just fixed it up, we would have this well-run, beautiful thing."

Brian M. Rosenthal: 206-464-3195 or On Twitter @brianmrosenthal.


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