Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Working With Word Press Widgets - Power to Earn Money


Saw an ad on TV other evening for a ?do-it-yourself- web site. The presentation made it sound easy enough. In fact, sounded like just about anyone could have a website up in no time ? and be earning money.

You know the old saying, ?If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.? ?So we decided to check it out. And, while there are more than one point-and-click website programs out there . . . and while we?ve not reviewed each one, we?d be willing to bet they are all pretty much the same.


Below, we?ve listed some of the features that caught our attention and commented on?why this is something we?d choose not to do:

Domain name registration or transfer ? at under $1.00, this sounds really tempting. However, it is possible that you may not have ownership of the domain name registered or domain name transferred. When registering through any site other than one of the well known domain registrars, make sure the name is registered to YOU before completing the transaction ? and that the fees don?t increase on renewal.

Hosting ? monthly fee applies, varies according to size and other features you might need. The more features, the higher the fees.

Email ? monthly fee applies, varies depending on number of email accounts needed and email features you require, i.e., contacts, lists, etc.

E-commerce (store) ? monthly fee applies, varies depending on number of items to be sold and features needed to run the store.

You begin to see a trend here that everything is fee driven. And, in most cases the fees are based on how big a site you want. The bigger the site, the bigger the fees.

For those who want an Internet website or blog, it is just as easy ? and I might add a lot less expensive ? to register your own domain with one of the well known registrar websites and get your own ?stand alone? hosting ?that offers a lot more for a lot less. Once you have your accounts set up, you?re ready to put your brick-and-mortar business online ? or set up as many online websites, blogs or e-commerce sites as you have time to manage. Each one a potential money-making venture.

Text Widgets

With thoughts to making money, a blog can be used to make money either through . . .

  • selling your own product,
  • offering an affiliate?s product or
  • using one of the Pay-per-click programs, i.e., Google AdSense.

How you incorporate these into your blog can be approached in different ways.

The obvious is to put the link to your own product, the affiliate?s product or a clickable ad directly into the post content. Another option is to place these same clickable links into a Word Press widget. (For more information on widgets, visit this link).

To use any of these ?money generating? links in a widget, the widget you use to display them must be a TEXT widget. These are easily installed. From the WP Dashboard, you can drag and drop the TEXT widget to where you want it, depending on the layout of your WP theme. Most WP themes offer different side bar configurations.

Once you have the empty TEXT widget in place, all you need do is open it, copy the code you want to insert and paste it into the blank area. Once the code is in place, save the widget and you?re all done. Note: You can place more than one piece of HTML code into each TEXT widget. Just place returns between them or select the box to automatically space which is available as part of the TEXT widget configuration once opened.

Something to remember about using HTML code in a TEXT widget is that it can be treated just like any HTML document.

This means you can insert text, have tables with background colors, insert marquees (get details here), images and links. Also, any of the tags you might use for formatting, i.e., center, bold, italics, etc. can also be used ? as well as font size, face and color. This makes it easy to have the widget blend with the WP theme.

Helpful Tips

Images ? If you plan on using images in your Word Press TEXT widgets, they must be uploaded unless they are hosted by the affiliate. We prefer to keep images associated with each domain separate and in that domain?s directory.

Link Control ? If using multiple HTML items per TEXT widget use the <!? ?> tag at the beginning and at the end of the link code to separate each affiliate?s code. (For more information on how to use HTML code visit this link.)

Removed Widget Code ? We always keep any removed code in a separate HTML document. Should we want to re-use it again, this eliminates having to re-write or try to remember what we did.


Working with Word Press is an easy process made even easier by understanding how TEXT widgets work.?? There are several free blogging platforms on the Internet that you can use if you would like to experiment first.?? These can be found by ?googling? free blogs.? And, for additional help in setting up a blog, visit this link.



Source: http://powertoearnmoney.com/html/working-with-word-press-widgets/

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