Monday, December 31, 2012

Jim Miller gets bloody UFC 155 win over Joe Lauzon

UFC 155 was headed towards becoming one of the least memorable UFC pay-per-view cards in recent history until Joe Lauzon and Jim Miller stepped in the cage. The lightweights delivered a late Fight of the Year candidate as Miller won 29-28 on all three judges' cards.

Miller opened up the fight with a bevy of punches, and opened a cut on Lauzon's face early. Lauzon's wooziness allowed Miller to lock a standing arm triangle. Lauzon was able to slip out of the choke, but when he emerged, his face was covered in blood.

[Complete UFC 155 recap: Cain Velasquez mauls Junior dos Santos]

Though Miller managed better attacks and wasn't bleeding as badly as Lauzon, he still found himself in trouble late in the third round. Lauzon dove onto Miller's legs, and attempted a leg lock submission. If there wasn't so much blood covering their bodies and the canvas, Lauzon might have pulled out the win.

Lauzon told Yahoo! Sports after the fight that he required 40 stitches for the cuts sustained during the fight.

Miller was impressed by Lauzon's toughness.

?Joe Lauzon is a tough kid. I knew I was going to have to bring my best effort to put him away and I was never able to," Miller said after the fight. "That?s how good he is on the ground. And even in the last minute, look what he was trying to do to win the fight."

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NCRegister | Music With a Higher Purpose

Kevin and Monica Fitzgibbons founded De Montfort Music in 2012.

Their first CD release was Advent at Ephesus, featuring the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, a contemplative community located in northwest Missouri.

The album debuted at No. 1 on Billboard magazine?s Traditional Classical Music Chart, besting the likes of Andrea Bocelli, Placido Domingo and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It stayed at No. 1 and concurrently went to No. 3 on Billboard?s new-artist chart, took the No. 1 spot on Barnes & Noble?s online ranking for all music and ranked No. 4 overall at Amazon.

In one sense, it was no surprise for the entertainment-industry veterans ? Kevin worked for Columbia Records/Sony Music in Los Angeles; Monica worked for DreamWorks, SKG.

In 2007, the couple walked away from their music-industry jobs and founded Aim Higher Media (De Montfort Music is a division of Aim Higher), aiming to bring Blessed John Paul II?s motto ? "Totus Tuus!" ? to the world through art and good entertainment.

With De Montfort Music (, the Fitzgibbonses want to bring the very best in sacred music and chant to the world.

In early December, they talked about their faith and their work.


How did you two meet?

Kevin: Monica and I met while in New York, when we worked for Sony and Dreamworks. We started dating, found out we were both Catholic, and that was a good thing! While dating, we took another look at our lives, and both of us agreed we weren?t seeking the devout life as much as the "me" life. We slowly started coming back to the Church. The closer we got, the more we realized that if we were going to set our marriage on a solid foundation we couldn?t lead a double life anymore. Soon after our first child was born, we found ourselves walking more away from the secular side of the music business.


When you did that and founded Aim Higher Media in 2007, what was your goal?

Monica: We wanted to help artists, encourage them and make it be a positive art. It?s very difficult to get projects off the ground and things like licensing, and that?s what we?re trying to do. We had been involved in many projects in the past.


How did De Montfort Music evolve?

Monica: De Montfort Music came out of that (goal to make positive art). Kevin wanted to have a place for the religious orders to put their music out and not have to go directly to global entertainment companies. This gives them a good opportunity to have more ownership of their image and their music. Kevin came up with the great idea to have De Montfort Music so that these orders know they have a fertile haven for their music, but not let the world take too much of their life over. We?re the go-between between those two worlds.

The first project is the Benedictine Sisters? Advent at Ephesus. We gained a distribution deal through Decca, which is the largest classical-music distributor of that genre of music. It?s a wonderful collaboration. Our goal was to add into the culture some good and positive forms of entertainment not seen in recent times ? much like discovering a Michelangelo painting.

Kevin: One of the main reasons both Monica and I wanted to build De Montfort Music specifically around (religious) orders is that we felt these priories and monasteries are strong and vibrant. We met the Benedictines of Mary and saw how absolutely perfect their singing was ? it?s some of the most beautiful music you?ll hear, a slight view into heaven. It deepened our commitment of what we wanted for De Montfort Music.


How did you come to name your company after a saint?

Kevin: Our journey started with a very dear friend of ours, who was kind enough to educate us and to answer a lot of our questions. Out of these conversations, we were introduced to the book Aim Higher: Spiritual and Marian Reflections of St. Maximilian Kolbe by St. Maximilian Kolbe. That?s why we named the company Aim Higher.

His deep devotion to Our Lady led us to St. Louis de Montfort and his book that I got for a gift for Christmas for Monica, True Devotion to Mary. That book and St. Maximilian Kolbe led to consecrating ourselves to Our Lady and the enthronement of our home to the Sacred Heart.


How did the enthronement come about?

Monica: It was a book by Cardinal Raymond Burke, The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We were very young in our family life, and, really, Cardinal Burke thought of everything. It?s a school, a way to walk you through the enthronement of a family. Kevin, being head of the domestic church, said that we should do this enthronement.

I had been a working woman in the world and around celebrities. To go from that to being a wife and mother and really letting someone else take the lead in the household, I didn?t even realize that was important. Kevin was to be the head of our domestic church.

I really do believe that enthronement brought us together in our marriage and our domestic church. Nothing has been as profound as this home enthronement, as carried out by Cardinal Burke?s book.

Kevin: It also encouraged me to go out and introduce myself to our pastor, join the Knights of Columbus, do the consecration to Our Lady and start Eucharistic adoration. A nice relationship developed with our pastor.

Monica: We never had a priest in our home because we didn?t feel we were holy enough. We had so much respect we didn?t want to burden them. But there?s no way to do this home enthronement effectively without a priest.


You specifically mention John Paul II?s motto ? "Totus Tuus" ? in relation to your company. How did he influence you?

Kevin: We noticed his love of Our Lady. And we noticed another thing: We had been working with rock stars, actors and famous people in the entertainment industry. In the world of live performance, that immediate feedback is very tempting ? our temptation to pride. When we saw John Paul II, we saw him up there with thousands of people in the audience, who were calling out, "John Paul II, we love you!" We were always wondering: How did he remain so humble? How did he do it (the constant humility)?

We learned more about his devotion to Our Lady. It?s the whole miracle of Our Lady of Fatima: Who among us can say we took a bullet for Our Lady?

Monica: How does someone get that way? That "Totus Tuus" is a big clue. You?ve got to know his devotion to Our Lady. That?s the secret of his success, and that?s what we discovered.


I understand you also had a saint connected with the album.

Monica: We tell people St. Th?r?se the Little Flower and St. Francis of Assisi are also on the CD. Their first-class relics were standing between Mother Cecilia, singing and conducting, and the choir of the sisters.

A lot of the proceeds are going to the sisters. They have the great "problem" of a growing order, and along with that comes debt. One of the other reasons we?re doing this (with De Montfort Music) is that we want to help relieve their debt. They?re all very young; it?s a very beautiful endeavor to support. If you buy the CD directly from the sisters? website (, they get a little extra. They are praying to the Little Flower to help them with this.


St. Th?r?se had several sisters who were nuns as well. How many children do you have?

Kevin: Five. The oldest is 9; then 7, 6, 4 and 1; two boys and three girls.

Monica: We pray they all have religious vocations.

Joseph Pronechen is the

Register?s staff writer.


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AP photo essay: Ex-Soviet immigrants change Israel

In parts of Israel, it's hard to find a single Hebrew sign in a sea of Cyrillic. Shopkeepers address customers in Russian, and groceries are amply stocked with non-kosher pork, red caviar and rows of vodka. Russian pop beats thump at bars, and in some homes, people will as likely be hunched over a chessboard as a computer keyboard.

The Soviet Union crumbled 20 years ago, and in the aftermath, more than 1 million of its citizens took advantage of Jewish roots to flee that vast territory for the sliver of land along the Mediterranean that is the Jewish state. By virtue of their sheer numbers in a country of 8 million people and their tenacity in clinging to elements of their old way of life, these immigrants have transformed Israel.

Israel has the world's third-largest Russian-speaking community outside the former Soviet Union, after the U.S. and Germany. Russian-speaking emigres may not conjure up the same recognition as the country's black-hatted Orthodox Jews or gun-toting soldiers, but they are just as ubiquitous ? maintaining habits more suited to the "old country" than their adopted Mideast homeland, like wild mushroom foraging or winter dips in the Mediterranean, the closest substitute to frigid Siberian waters.

Today, Russian-speaking emigres and their children occupy virtually every corner of Israeli society, from academia and technology to the military and politics. A political party formed by Israel's recently resigned foreign minister to cater to Russian-speaking immigrants like him has grown from a marginal force in politics to one of its major powers.

The Russian-speaking community also wields an outsized influence in other aspects of Israeli life. Every fourth employee in Israel's flourishing high-tech industry is a Russian-speaking immigrant, as is every other engineer. The world's second-ranked chess master, Belarus-born Boris Gelfand, lives in Israel, and about a quarter of Israel's Olympic coaches grew up in the former Soviet Union.

Not all newcomers found work in their professions. Many artists became janitors or teachers. One Moldovan trapeze artist now operates a crane.

"I love the circus very, very much, but my work is like the circus," said Irena Zagoruyko, speaking by cellphone atop a 56-meter (185-foot) crane.

While the wave of immigration from the former Soviet Union is widely regarded as successful, there were also frictions.

Religion is a sensitive subject. Many immigrants have tenuous Jewish lineage or none at all.

There is also a certain disdain on both sides, with some immigrants saying they brought talent to a cultural backwater, and some Israelis saying the Russian-speaking immigrants brought prostitution, corruption and crime.

To some degree, many Russian speakers have insulated themselves from the broader Israeli society with Russian bookshops, Russian restaurants, Russian television and Russian newspapers.

And they never forget the beloved Chekhov and Dostoyevsky of their motherland.

"That's why Soviet immigrants never connected to Israeli society all the way," says Roman Bronfman, a former Israeli lawmaker born in today's Ukraine. "They felt they were connected to one of the most glorious cultures in the world."


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

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Taiwan holds first Chinese music concert

Thousands of music fans packed a Taipei stadium to watch the island's first concert staged by Chinese singers and rock bands, reports said, in the latest sign of warming cross-strait relations.

This file photo shows Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi, pictured in Cannes, on May 24, 2009. Thousands of music fans packed a Taipei stadium on Saturday to watch the island's first concert staged by Chinese singers and rock bands, with Zhang among them, in the latest sign of warming cross-strait relations.

The concert organised by the Chinese Music Chart, dubbed China's Grammy Awards, saw some 60 bands and singers from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan perform before screaming fans Saturday, but also drew dozens of anti-China protesters.

They chanted pro-independence slogans and waved anti-Beijing banners outside the stadium, television reports showed, but were unable to interrupt the concert which included performances by Chinese singer Han Geng and actress Zhang Ziyi.

Without the prior approval of Taiwanese authorities, organisers of the Chinese Music Chart unilaterally announced in November that an award ceremony would be held in Taipei for the first time after it was set up in 1993.

The plan drew fire from the opposition, prompting the Chinese award organisers to change the award presentation ceremony to a concert at the demand of Taiwanese authorities.

The concert "is part of Chinese communist... tactics against Taiwan people and we're here to voice our desire that we don't want to be ruled by China," said protester Tsai Ting-kui, according to the Liberty Times.

Beijing still insists Taiwan is part of China even though the island has ruled itself for more than 60 years after their split in 1949 at the end of a civil war.

But ties with China have improved markedly since Ma Ying-jeou of the China-friendly Kuomintang came to power in 2008 on a Beijing-friendly platform. He was re-elected in January for a second and final four-year term.

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Apple?s $160K Copyright Fine In China Is A Pittance, But Could It Open The Door For Further Claims?

murong xuecun essays china appChina is not exactly known for having a watertight regime when it comes to piracy and copyright violations, but it’s trying to change that perception, and here’s a case in point: a group of eight authors, calling themselves the China Written Works Copyright Society,?has won a case against Apple in Beijing for hosting apps that were in themselves violating the copyright on their works. Apple has in turn been ordered to pay 1 million yuan ($160,000) in compensation?– pennies to the iPhone giant and?only about 10 percent of how much the authors were trying to get out of Apple when they originally brought the case against it earlier in the year. The news comes at an interesting time for Apple in China. The region — the world’s biggest smartphone market at the moment — is a significant one for Apple, accounting for 15 percent of all of its revenues. But it’s also facing huge competition, primarily from low-priced Android device makers. In?Q4, Apple reported sales of $5.7 billion?in Greater China,?which was flat compared to Q3, but up 26 percent compared to a year ago. Apple has had also to grapple with contrasting (and not always positive) perceptions on?how well its newest handset, the iPhone 5,?has been selling in China since launching this month. It also comes as China is making ever more moves to improve the connection between Internet users and real-world identities. However, it’s very much a double-edged sword. A?law passed today requiring real-name identities for online users is one more way for China to track illicit content posters, but it could also be seen as a way for the country to further control how people use the Internet to express themselves, sometimes in acts of dissent against the country’s official lines of thought. For their part, the?China Written Works Copyright Society is unhappy with the amount of compensation ordered by the court. “We are disappointed at the judgment. Some of our best-selling authors only got 7,000 yuan. The judgment is a signal of encouraging piracy,” a representative of the group told Reuters. Still, the sum could be seen as?significant winnings in a country where the average monthly wage for a working class person is $190. And it opens the door further for Apple to face yet more such claims from other rights holders in the country. To date, this is the second time that Apple has lost a


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2 Texas players suspended after sex assault report

SAN ANTONIO (AP) ? Texas suspended two players Friday and sent them home on the eve of the Alamo Bowl, hours after police said they were investigating a report of a sexual assault at a San Antonio hotel.

Coach Mack Brown did not identify the players, but he referred to a KENS-TV report ( that police were investigating two unidentified Texas players in the alleged assault.

"This has been reported: We had a couple young men that broke team rules last night. They have been suspended from the team and they will be sent home," Brown said at a previously scheduled news conference. "They will not be available for the game and I will not address any more questions in that matter."

Sgt. Javier Salazar, a San Antonio police spokesman, said only that detectives are in the early stages of investigating a case of alleged sexual assault in the downtown area. Investigators are interviewing witnesses and collecting forensic evidence, he said.

"It's a very meticulous process," Salazar said. "As far as these investigations go, it's very early."

A heavily-redacted police report says a 21-year-old woman told police she believed she was assaulted around 2 a.m. Friday after inviting two men to her hotel room. The report shows only that the men are students and that one is 21 and the other is 20. The woman told police that she had had several drinks when she invited the men to her hotel.

Police said they observed bruises on the woman's right knee and left bicep.

After talking to police, the woman was taken to a San Antonio hospital, where she was seen by a sexual assault nurse examiner, according to the report. The two suspects also were taken to the hospital and examined by the nurse, the report says.

Ben Turner, acting general manager at the Holiday Inn on San Antonio's Riverwalk, said police were summoned to the hotel between 2 and 3 a.m. Friday to investigate an alleged sexual assault. He said hotel staff was cooperating with police.

Athletic department spokesman John Bianco said he could not say more than Brown's comment at the news conference.

Texas (8-4) plays Oregon State (9-3) in Saturday's game at the Alamodome. The Longhorns' walk-through at the stadium Friday afternoon was closed to the media.


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Video: What are the chances that a "fiscal cliff" deal will pass? (cbsnews)

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Iraqi Sunnis demonstrate in several cities

FALLUJAH, Iraq (AP) ? Thousands of Iraqi Sunnis massed along a major western highway and in other parts of the country Friday for what appear to be the largest protests yet in a week of demonstrations, intensifying pressure on the Shiite-led government.

The rallies underscore the strength of a tenacious movement that appears to be gathering support. The largest demonstrations took place on a highway leading to Jordan and Syria in the Sunni-dominated desert province of Anbar west of Baghdad.

Protesters in the Anbar city of Fallujah held aloft placards declaring the day a "Friday of honor." Some carried old Iraqi flags used during the era of former dictator Saddam Hussein, whose Sunni-dominated government was ousted in the U.S.-led invasion nearly a decade ago.

Others raised the current flag, which was approved in 2008. A few raised the banner of the predominantly Sunni rebels across the border who are fighting to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad.

In the northern city of Mosul, around 3,000 demonstrators took to the streets to denounce what they called the sidelining of Sunnis in Iraq and to demand the release of Sunni prisoners. As in protests earlier in the week, demonstrators there chanted the Arab Spring slogan: "The people want the downfall of the regime."

Thousands likewise took to the streets in the northern Sunni towns of Tikrit and Samarra, where they were joined by lawmakers and provincial officials, said Salahuddin provincial spokesman Mohammed al-Asi.

At a conference in Baghdad, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki warned against a return to sectarian conflict and cautioned that the country is close to returning to the "dark days when people were killed because of their names or identities."

He also used the occasion to take a jab at the protesters in Anbar.

"Nations that look for peace, love and reconstruction must choose civilized ways to express themselves. It is not acceptable to express opinions by blocking the roads, encouraging sectarianism, threating to launch wars and dividing Iraq," he said. "Instead we need to talk, to listen to each other and to agree ... to end our differences."

The demonstrations follow the arrest last week of 10 bodyguards assigned to Finance Minister Rafia al-Issawi, who comes from Anbar and is one of the central government's most senior Sunni officials.

While the detentions triggered the latest bout of unrest, the demonstrations also tap into deeper Sunni fears that they are being marginalized by the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Although the government includes some Sunni Arabs and Kurdish officials as part of a power-sharing agreement, it draws the bulk of its support from Iraq's majority Shiites.

Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi, another top-ranking Sunni politician, is now living in exile in Turkey after being handed multiple death sentences earlier this year for allegedly running death squads ? a charge he dismisses as politically motivated.

Sunni-dominated Anbar province has been the scene of several large demonstrations and road blockages since last Saturday. The vast territory was once the heart of the deadly Sunni insurgency that emerged after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

Al-Qaida is believed to be rebuilding in pockets of Anbar, and militants linked to it are thought to be helping Sunni rebels in Syria.


Associated Press writers Sinan Salaheddin and Adam Schreck in Baghdad contributed reporting.


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Data Shows Online Buzz About Snapchat Is Skyrocketing After The Launch Of Facebook Poke

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Report: Top Syrian general joins opposition

BEIRUT (AP) ? The general who heads Syria's military police has defected and joined the uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime, one of the highest walkouts by a serving security chief during the country's 21-month uprising, a pan Arab TV station has reported.

Maj. Gen. Abdul-Aziz Jassem al-Shallal appeared in a video aired on Al Arabiya TV late Tuesday saying he is joining "the people's revolution."

Al-Shallal's defection comes as military pressure builds on the regime, with government bases falling to rebel assault near the capital Damascus and elsewhere across the country. On Wednesday, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said government shelling in the northeastern province of Raqqa killed at least 20 people, including women and children.

Dozens of generals have defected since Syria's crisis began in March 2011. In July, Brig. Gen. Manaf Tlass was the first member of Assad's inner circle to break ranks and join the opposition.

Al-Shallal is one of the most senior and held a top post at the time that he left. He said in the video that the "army has derailed from its basic mission of protecting the people and it has become a gang for killing and destruction." He accused the military of "destroying cities and villages and committing massacres against our innocent people who came out to demand freedom."

Thousands of Syrian soldiers have defected over the past 21 months and many of them are now fighting against government forces. Many have cited attacks on civilians as the reason they switched sides.

The Observatory said the shelling in an agricultural area of Raqqa province near the village of Qahtaniyeh killed 20, including eight children, three women and nine others.

An amateur video showed the bodies of a dozen people including children lying in a row inside a room. Some of them had blood on their clothes, while weeping could be heard in the background.

The videos appeared genuine and corresponded to other AP reporting on the events depicted.

Also Wednesday, activists said rebels were attacking the Wadi Deif military base in the northern province of Idlib. The base, which is near the strategic town of Maaret al-Numan, has been under siege for weeks.

The Observatory said at least five rebels were killed in the fighting that started after midnight. It added that Syrian army warplanes attacked rebel positions in the areas.

"It is the heaviest fighting in the area in months," said the Observatory, which relies on activists throughout Syria.

In October, rebels captured Maaret al-Numan, a town on on the highway that links the capital Damascus with Aleppo, Syria's largest city and a major battleground in the civil war since July.

The attack on Wadi Deif comes a day after rebels captured the town of Harem near the Turkish border. The rebels have captured wide areas and military posts in northern Syria over the past weeks.

Syria's crisis began with protests demanding reforms but later turned into a civil war. Anti-regime activists estimate more than 40,000 have died in the past 21 months.

In neighboring Lebanon, airport officials in Beirut said Syria's Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad and Assistant Foreign Minister Ahmad Arnous flew early Wednesday to Moscow.

Their visit to Moscow comes two days after Assad met in Damascus with international envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi. Brahimi, who is scheduled to go to Moscow before the end of the month, said after the talks Monday that the situation was "worrying" and gave no indication of progress toward a negotiated solution for the civil war.

Brahimi is still in Syria and met Tuesday with representatives of the opposition National Coordination Body, state-run news agency SANA said. Head of the group Hassan Abdul-Azim said Brahimi briefed them on the efforts he is exerting to reach an "international consensus, especially between Russia and the United Stated to reach a solution."

Rajaa al-Naser, NCB's spokesman, said his group has put forward proposals adding that there would be no exit but through halting violence and forming a "transitional government with full prerogatives."


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This page is for the characters with combative prowess. Please list and detail your character's current stats and skills for all to see so that there is no confusion as to the capabilities and performance limitations to which they are governed. To give the example and to get it out of the way, I am posting Shadow's "strengths" first so that you all can analyze it and provide the same listed strengths as I provide, albeit in accordance with your own character and not mine. This page will be updated as the RP progresses whenever training periods come and go, or when certain battles are over and/or new weaponry or clothing is acquired (and yes, clothing can make a difference). So please do check back regularly and make changes whenever appropriate.

Thank you!

So, here we go!


Shadow's body to arm ratio: Shadow is 6' 0" tall, however, his arm span is slightly longer a 6' 1". This means that Shadow has a longer reach than most men who are 6', as their arm length will typically be less than their height which gives him an advantage in combat against men of his size or within a two to three inch margin.

Shadow's weight: Shadow weighs approximately 190 to 200 lbs of raw, lean muscle which is above average for one of his size. The average body weight for a healthy young man at 6' is approximately 170 lbs. That extra thirty pounds makes him deceptively powerful thanks to his lean frame which disguises the true depths of his power.

Shadow's reaction time: Shadow's reaction time is 120 milliseconds +/- 5 milliseconds depending on the number of distractions in his immediate area. The average healthy and active human being's reaction time is about 250-300 milliseconds. I think you can do the rough math on that one. Lol.

Shadow's clothing: Shadow's jacket weighs about two pounds and is black leather. His vambracesare coated with Orichalcum, and weigh twenty pounds each. He wears black gloves as well which have Orichalcum coverings across each finger for protection when he punches hard surfaces. These coverings weigh about a pound each, for a total of five pounds on each hand. Shadow's shirt is lightweight and flexible, as are his pants which are held up by a belt which weighs no more than a pound. Shadow's boots have Orichalcum toes and souls, each one weighing about a total of about ten pounds. His greaves weigh thirty pounds each, and are also coated in Orichalcum. When combining the weight of all of the Orichalcum he wears, coupled with his two Orichalcum daggers which weigh forty pounds each, Shadow is wearing a total of approximately three hundred and twenty pounds of extra weight.

This means that Shadow, at any one time when he's fully dressed and prepared for combat, weighs in excess of four hundred pounds. This makes him comparable to a human tank, being almost immovable thanks to the weight of the Orichalcum covering his body. Add in the fact that all this weight does very little to slow him down because of how long he's worn it and trained in it, and you'll start to see just how strong Shadow really is.

Shadow's speed: Some of the fastest boxers on Earth today can only get in about six to seven punches per second when they really go or it, and even then they're cutting their punches short by not retracting them all the way back to the waist. Shadow can punch from the waist about eight times in a single second, and that is when he pulls his fists all the way back to his waist each time. No short punches here.

On the same note, Shadow can kick at over 90 mph, +/- 5 mph, when he really goes for it. To give some perspective, the fastest competitive martial artists alive today kick about 70 mph with a "flick kick", which is to say that they kick for speed and not for power. The impact of a 90+ mph kick, when coupled with Shadow's strength, can literally decapitate a human being inside their own body by severing the skull from the spinal chord. Though it does not break the skin or muscles in the neck, the fact that the skull is removed from the spine defines it as a decapitation.

Shadow's eyesight: Shadow's eyes are more suited to nighttime, which is why his vision at night is 20/5 and his vision in the day is 20/10. Obviously, this has to do with the fact that his eyes are red and can glow, but I won't divulge the secret to that yet.

That's about it! Whenever you have the time, please provide the same overall stats for your character to show us where they stand and what they can do. Obviously there are some liberties taken with these stats, so don't feel completely limited by "reality". Though this RP is going to be as realistic as possible, this pertains primarily to the laws of physics, and not the limitations of the human body which is why Shadow is so strong. Have at it!


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New Toshiba camera sensor lets you refocus after the shot, plans 2013 launch in smartphones and tablets

New Toshiba camera sensor lets you refocus after you take the shot, plans to launch in smartphones and tablets next year

Hoping for some after-the-fact focusing in your next smartphone camera? Well, you'll have to wait around a year, but Toshiba's planning exactly that with a new module that houses an array of 500,000 tiny lenses. Within a 1cm-thick unit, these lenses are layered in front of the camera sensor, which can capture slightly different images from each lens arrangement. Those picture can then be combined in a "complete" picture using Toshiba's own software. Apparently, the camera will also be able to measure the distance between objects in the shot -- similar to how 3D images are captured -- with the user then able to shift focus between close and distant detail, or even create images that are in-focus throughout. Toshiba says the module will also be able to capture video with a similar degree of focus management -- something that Lytro hasn't got around to just yet. The sensor is still a work in progress, but the manufacturer plans to commercialize the module before the end of 2013. Toshiba is looking to ally itself with multiple smartphone (and tablet) makers -- and here's hoping that it finds its way into a device outside of Japan.

[Thanks Franck]

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Source: Asahi Shinbun (Japanese)


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California real estate trends - Real Estate Agent in La ... - La Jolla Light

California real estate trends

California real estate trends show consumers and builders leaning in a new direction when it comes to housing design.

By Vicki Johnson

In the wake of the housing market crash, the heyday of the inflated California suburban tract home may be a thing of the past. According to a recent report from the Mercury News, both national and California real estate trends are shifting in favor of more practical designs catering to baby boomers looking to downsize, first-time homeowners on a budget and growing or multigenerational families in need of flexible living spaces.

The report notes that home builders throughout the state are beginning to focus on homes that are more energy efficient, compact and closer to work and entertainment centers. In addition, some homes are being built with multiple generations in mind, and including separate quarters, cottages or detached units for aging parents or adult children who need a place to stay but also wish to maintain some degree of privacy and autonomy. In today?s economy, both of these options make sense ? for buyers on a budget, and also for those who simply prefer smaller, more customized living environments to large luxury homes. For example, some baby boomers are choosing to downsize in order to reduce the time and money spent on maintaining a big house, yard, pool and other amenities. Instead, they may choose to live closer to entertainment, shopping, restaurants and other amenities in their community, or to spend their discretionary funds on travel.

Changing times, changing home designs

Kevin Carson, president of the California-based New Home Company, tells the News that recent poll results show many homeowners eager to reduce energy bills through greater energy efficiency over the next few years. Those polled also showed an interest in ?more windows, downstairs bedrooms and proximity to jobs and shopping? ? priorities that Carson sees as signs of the times.

As Southern California home builders begin work on new developments to showcase these features, it is important for local homeowners to examine their own priorities and see what type of home makes sense for them. Here in San Diego County, we are surrounded by a diverse array of neighborhoods, communities and housing styles: and whether you are looking to move into a smaller home while maintaining a touch of luxury, or to find a larger property that will house a growing family, an experienced real estate agent can help you achieve your real estate goals. To learn more about real estate trends in San Diego, discuss your plans to buy or sell a home in the area or consult new listings, contact me, Vicki Johnson, at

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  1. Housing market FAQ: how to decipher real estate market updates
  2. Seize the season: make the most of autumn opportunity in the San Diego real estate market
  3. Decoding the 3.8% investment income tax: a guide for La Jolla real estate owners
  4. Making housing affordable: how today?s market offers opportunity for potential buyers
  5. Rental market boost bodes well for housing market recovery

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

VP says Chavez up, walking; doubts persist

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) ? Vice President Nicolas Maduro surprised Venezuelans with a Christmas Eve announcement that President Hugo Chavez is up and walking two weeks after cancer surgery in Cuba, but the news did little to ease uncertainty surrounding the leader's condition.

Sounding giddy, Maduro told state television Venezolana de Television that he had spoken by phone with Chavez for 20 minutes Monday night. It was the first time a top Venezuelan government official had confirmed talking personally with Chavez since the Dec. 11 operation, his fourth cancer surgery since 2011.

"He was in a good mood," Maduro said. "He was walking, he was exercising."

Yet the statement inspired more questions, given the sparse information the Venezuelan government has provided so far about Chavez's cancer.

Dr. Carlos Castro, director of the Colombian League against Cancer, an association that promotes cancer prevention, treatment and education, said Maduro was providing too few details to paint a clear picture of Chavez's condition following the six-hour Dec. 11 surgery and the complications that followed. Government officials have said the president suffered internal bleeding that was stanched and a respiratory infection that was being treated.

"It's possible (that he is walking) because everything is possible," Castro told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Tuesday. "They probably had him sit in up in bed and take two steps."

"It's unclear what they mean by exercise. Was it four little steps?" he added. "I think he is still in critical condition."

Venezuelan leaders have yet to offer information about Chavez's long-term prognosis. Maduro's announcement came a few hours after Venezuelan Information Minister Ernesto Villegas read a statement saying Chavez was showing "a slight improvement with a progressive trend."

Maduro's near-midnight announcement came just as Venezuelan families were gathering for traditional late Christmas Eve dinners and setting off the usual deafening fireworks that accompany the festivities. There was still little reaction to the news on a quiet Christmas morning.

Dr. Gustavo Medrano, a lung specialist at the Centro Medico hospital in Caracas, said if Chavez is talking, it suggests he is breathing on his own despite the respiratory infection and is not in intensive care, details government officials have not discussed. But Medrano said he remained skeptical about Maduro's comments and could deduce little from them about Chavez's prognosis for recovery.

"I have no idea because if it was such a serious, urgent, important operation, and that was 14 days ago, I don't think he could be walking and exercising after a surgery like that," Medrano said.

Over the weekend, Chavez's ally, Bolivian President Evo Morales, made a lightning visit to Cuba that only added to the uncertainty.

Journalists had been summoned to cover his arrival and departure in Havana, but hours later that invitation was canceled. No explanation was given, though it could have been due to confusion over Morales' itinerary as he apparently arrived later than initially scheduled.

Cuban state media published photos of President Raul Castro receiving Morales at the airport and said he came "to express his support" for Chavez, his close ally, but did not give further details. He left Sunday without making any public comments.

At an event in southern Bolivia on Monday, Morales made no mention of his trip to Cuba, even though aides had told reporters that he might say something about Chavez's recovery. Later, Morales' communications minister refused to respond directly to a question about whether the two South American presidents had met face-to-face, saying only that he "was with the people he wanted to be with" and had no plans to return to Cuba.

Morales was the second Latin American leader to visit since Chavez announced two weeks ago that he would have the operation. Rafael Correa of Ecuador came calling the day of the surgery.

The visits underscore Chavez's importance to regional allies as a prominent voice of the Latin American left, as well as how seriously they are taking his latest bout with cancer.

Yet more questions surround Chavez's political future, with the surgery coming two months after he won re-election to a six-year term.

If he is unable to continue in office, the Venezuelan Constitution calls for new elections to be held. Chavez has asked his followers to back Maduro, his hand-picked successor, in that event.

Venezuelan officials have strongly suggested that Chavez will not return in time for his Jan. 10 inauguration.

Opposition leaders have argued that the constitution does not allow the president's swearing-in to be postponed, and say new elections should be called if Chavez is unable to take the oath on time.

But government officials have said new elections will not be called, and Attorney General Cilia Flores insisted Monday that the constitution lets the Supreme Court administer the oath of office at any time if the National Assembly is unable to do it Jan. 10 as scheduled.


Associated Press writers Peter Orsi in Havana, Christopher Toothaker and Vivian Sequera in Caracas, Camilo Hernandez in Bogota, Colombia, and Paola Flores in La Paz, Bolivia, contributed to this report.


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Ability to metabolize tamoxifen affects breast cancer outcomes

Dec. 26, 2012 ? For nearly a decade, breast cancer researchers studying the hormone therapy tamoxifen have been divided as to whether genetic differences in a liver enzyme affect the drug's effectiveness and the likelihood breast cancer will recur. A new study by researchers from the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center and the Austrian Breast and Colorectal Cancer Study Group provides evidence that genetic differences in the enzyme CYP2D6 play a key role in how well tamoxifen works.

"Our findings confirm that, in early breast cancer treated with tamoxifen, genetic alterations in CYP2D6 lead to a higher likelihood of recurrence and death," says Mayo Clinic oncologist Matthew Goetz, M.D., lead author of the study in the journal Clinical Cancer Research.

In the clinical trial, Dr. Goetz and his colleagues studied the rates of cancer recurrence and death in two groups: postmenopausal women with primary estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer who received tamoxifen for five years and those who received tamoxifen for two years followed by the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole for three years. Anastrozole is a breast cancer drug whose metabolism does not require the CYP2D6 enzyme.

The study showed that women who were born with genetic alterations of CYP2D6 that abolish the enzyme's critical metabolizing activity and who took tamoxifen for five years had recurrence of breast cancer, or died at a rate 2.5 times higher than women with normal CYP2D6 enzyme activity. Women with intermediate levels of the CYP2D6 enzyme had rates of recurrence or death 1.7 times higher than women with normal CYP2D6 activity. Importantly, Dr. Goetz notes, that genetic alterations in CYP2D6 did not affect the likelihood of recurrence or death in women who switched to anastrozole after two years of tamoxifen.

"Switching from tamoxifen to an aromatase inhibitor may be one reason for the discrepant studies surrounding CYP2D6 and tamoxifen -- as information about whether a patient took an aromatase inhibitor after tamoxifen was not available in most of the prior studies," says senior author James Ingle, M.D., of Mayo Clinic, an expert on hormone therapies for breast cancer.

A blood test can determine whether a woman has alterations in CYP2D6 and predict how efficiently her body will convert tamoxifen to endoxifen. Approximately 5 to 7 percent of European and North American populations are considered poor metabolizers of tamoxifen.

"The results of this successful high-level international research collaboration are an important step forward in our quest to individualize breast cancer treatment and provide tailored care to women with breast cancer," says Michael Gnant, M.D., professor of surgery at the Medical University of Vienna and president of the Austrian study group.

So what should a woman do if she is unable to effectively metabolize tamoxifen into its most active form? Dr. Goetz believes that the current recommendation of switching from tamoxifen to an aromatase inhibitor is likely to result in the greatest benefit in women with decreased CYP2D6 metabolism. For CYP2D6 poor metabolizers, avoiding tamoxifen altogether and starting out with an aromatase inhibitor may be the best approach, he says.

Dr. Goetz's group is working with the National Cancer Institute to develop endoxifen as an alternative to tamoxifen. If women can be given endoxifen, the active part of tamoxifen, it won't matter how tamoxifen gets metabolized, he says.

The study is partially funded by the National Institutes of Health, co-authors include Vera Suman, Ph.D.; Tanya Hoskin; Mary Kuffel; Stephanie Safgren; Carol Reynolds, M.D.; Matthew Ames, Ph.D.; and Richard Weinshilboum, M.D., all of Mayo Clinic; Martin Filipits, Ph.D.; Raimund Jakesz and Margaretha Rudas of the Medical University of Vienna; Richard Greil and Otto Dietze of Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria; and Alois Lange and Felix Offner of Medical Hospital Feldkirch, Austria.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Mayo Clinic.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. M. P. Goetz, V. Suman, T. L. Hoskin, M. Gnant, M. Filipits, S. Safgren, M. J. Kuffel, R. Jakesz, M. Rudas, R. Greil, O. Dietze, A. Lang, F. Offner, C. A. Reynolds, R. M. Weinshilboum, M. Ames, J. N. Ingle. CYP2D6 Metabolism and Patient Outcome in the Austrian Breast and Colorectal Cancer Study Group Trial (ABCSG) 8. Clinical Cancer Research, 2012; DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-2153

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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3 Afghans dead in new blast at U.S. base in Afghan east

KHOST, Afghanistan (Reuters) - A suicide bomber killed three people in an attack on a U.S. base in Afghanistan on Wednesday, the same base that is believed to be used by the CIA and which a suicide bomber attacked three years ago killing seven CIA employees.

The Afghan Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack in the eastern town of Khost, saying they had sent a suicide bomber driving a van packed with explosives to the base.

"The target was those who serve Americans at that base," said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid.

Afghanistan's NATO-led force said the bomber did not get into the base nor breach its perimeter. Police said the three dead were Afghans who were outside the base, which is beside a military airport.

The al Qaeda-linked Haqqani network, widely regarded as the most dangerous U.S. foe in Afghanistan, is active in Khost province, which is on the Pakistani border.

After more than a decade of war, Taliban insurgents are still able to strike strategic military targets, and launch high-profile attacks in the capital, Kabul, and elsewhere.

Three years ago, an al Qaeda-linked Jordanian double-agent killed seven CIA employees and a Jordanian intelligence officer in a suicide bombing at the same base in Khost, known as Forward Operating Base Chapman.

It was the second deadliest attack in CIA history.

Afghan police official General Abdul Qasim Baqizoy, the Khost police chief, said no CIA agents were hurt on Wednesday.

Afghan authorities are scrambling to improve security across the country before the U.S. combat mission ends in 2014.

Besides pressure from the Taliban, U.S.-led NATO forces also face a rising number of so-called insider attacks, in which Afghan forces turn their weapons on Western troops they are supposed to be working with.

On Monday, an Afghan policewoman killed a U.S. police adviser at the Kabul police headquarters, raising troubling questions about the direction of the war.

It appeared to be the first time that a woman member of Afghanistan's security forces carried out such an attack.

On Tuesday, Afghan officials said the woman has an Iranian passport and moved to Afghanistan 10 years ago. There was no suggestion that Iran was involved in the attack on the American.

Officials suspect she may have been recruited by al Qaeda or the Taliban, and had intended to also kill Afghan police officials.

(Reporting by Elyas Wahdat; Writing by Michael Georgy; Editing by Robert Birsel)


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012


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Good Reads: Mexico?s rise, Lincoln?s precedence, and tomorrow?s truth

A round-up of this week's long-form good reads include a look at Mexico's competitive growth, the virtues of compromise in multiple administrations, and how facts 'decay.'

By Marshall Ingwerson,?Managing editor / December 14, 2012

Shipping trucks in Veracruz, Mexico, a major port city on the Gulf of Mexico.

Alfredo Sosa/Staff/File


Which country produces the biggest share of America?s flat-screen TVs? You know it can?t be China, or we wouldn?t bother asking.

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Three years ago, a Pentagon report warned that Mexico was on the brink of becoming a failed state, notes a special report in The Economist. Instead, Mexico?s economic growth has overtaken and surpassed that of Brazil. And as Chinese wages have quintupled in the past 10 years, Mexico?s competitiveness is rising to match its great field position next door to the US Sun Belt. The flat-screen TVs are the least of it. What?s amazing to The Economist is how little Americans know about the progress of their southern neighbor. It estimates that nearly a tenth of current US residents, or their children, are Mexican citizens. But as the Monitor has noted, net migration from Mexico has dropped to zero or lower as opportunities there have expanded.

Many Americans have heard, if vaguely, of Mayan calendars that seem to predict the end of the world coming in a few weeks. But few have heard that recent translations revise that apocalypse into something more like a renewal or fresh start. And that, the magazine argues, looks to be where Mexico is heading.

Lincoln?s example for today?s mess

In these times of winter winds whipping across the ?fiscal cliff? at Americans? feet, compromise is suddenly in again. What was scorned in the tea party upswell of 2010 as caving in to bad Washington habits, is lauded in late 2012 as adult behavior and getting something done.

History, of course, stands on both sides of the compromise question. Abraham Lincoln may have been the self-effacing pragmatist who could hold together a diverse ?team of rivals.? But he was not about compromise. This is something the new Steven Spielberg film on Lincoln gets right, says The New Yorker?s Adam Gopnik. The United States had been straddling various compromises over slavery for years, he says, and there are still arguments over whether Lincoln could have avoided the unprecedented human suffering of the war. But Lincoln instead stood at the end of the line for compromise. His position was absolute, both on union and on slavery.

?Lincoln was an uncompromising man who sponsored violence on a hitherto unimaginable scale; that he paid the highest price himself for the noble but hugely costly morality in which he believed is one of the things that makes his story still so fateful and, in its way, uncompromised.?


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