Murcha Pranayam is a breathing exercise which is done by breathing air from the mouth and releasing it through the nose. It provides comfort to the brain. This exercise requires complete concentration from the Yogic. The exercise has been prescribed by Yogacharya Shri Avnish Tiwari. Subscribe NOW to get daily updates on many such useful videos and At-Home Tips
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Yog Shakti on care world is designed in such a manner that it unwraps all the secrets of yoga by highly acclaimed yogachrya Shailie Khera. The expert teaches the right postures of yoga in a very simple manner and clears all the doubts so one can learn and practice yoga at the same time. This show inspires the viewers in a very interesting manner to learn the basics of yoga and perform the easiest as well as the most difficult aasans of yoga with ease.Subscribe NOW to get daily updates on many such useful videos and At-Home Tips
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